How often should I come?

Most of us would get massages almost daily if we could afford the time and money.

Many of the effects of massage are cumulative, adding up over time. Most people who want to make massage a regular part of their health maintenance will get massages every 1 – 6 weeks. Others just come in when they have the time. We never pressure people to come more often than they want – we believe that it is your responsibility to determine your own needs, and we would never want you to feel guilty for coming less often than we recommend.

For acute problems, like overwork or muscle spasms, you may want to come weekly or even more often for a series. If you are in pain, you should always feel more relaxed after the massage, although the pain may linger a while. The massage itself, especially if deep, can cause some inflammation. It may be a day or 2 for this to subside and you to feel better.

For chronic problems, general massage may relax you and release the muscular tensions that make it worse. Obviously, massage won’t prevent pain from structural or neurological causes like herniated disks or diabetic neuropathy from returning. But when pain causes us to tense muscles, we begin a pain-spasm cycle gets worse and worse. Massage can help break that cycle.

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